The following therapies assist in relieving tension and stress while supporting the bodies immune, nervous, cardiovascular and digestive systems.
Fire Cupping creates suction on specific areas of the body; typically on the back, legs and abdomen. Cupping improves circulation, reduces pain, promotes detoxification, regulates digestion, reduces inflammation and clears congestion. Many patients prefer cupping to massage. Stationary (cups placed and retained) and sliding cupping with therapeutic oils are offered.
Gua Sha utilizes various instruments over lubricated areas of the skin intentionally creating transitory therapeutic petechiae also known as “sha.” Gua Sha produces an anti-inflammatory and immune response from the body that helps reduce pain and promote healing. Facial Gua Sha is much softer and utilizes a jade tool. Facial Gua Sha brightens the face, smoothes wrinkles and tension and reduces sinus inflammation and jaw tension.
Acupressure is a hands on needle free method that therapeutically stimulates classical acupuncture points to support healing process by reducing tension, releasing stagnation and balancing the organ systems. Patient education often includes acupressure points they can practice at home between sessions.