Many people correlate acupuncture with treating knee or low back pain. Acupuncture is an effective tool for common pain conditions but it’s so much more. Acupuncture utilizes sterile, micro thin needles on specific points in the body which promotes a healing response. Acupuncture treatments stimulate white blood cells, endorphins, neurotransmitters while assisting in balancing hormones, regulating the nervous system and supporting sleep, immunity and digestion. So yes acupuncturists can be useful in treating back pain but we also treat many other conditions from migraines to irritable bowel syndrome to the common cold. Have questions if Acupuncture is right for your condition? Contact me.
Areas of interest
Digestive Disorders
Anxiety, depression and chronic stress
Insomnia, sleep disorders
Preventative Medicine
Long Covid
Education and experience
I received my Masters of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine from Northwestern Health and Sciences University. I started receiving acupuncture at 15 and haven’t looked back since. I’m grateful to have rich and challenging experiences working as an acupuncturist and herbalist at: Fairview Medical Hospital, Integrative Clinic of Minnesota and the Human performance Center which works with professional athletes.